Thursday, December 14, 2006

Stressed-out parents cost companies $300 billion

By not adapting to the needs of working parents, U.S. employers might be losing as much as $300 billion a year in lost productivity, new research shows.
In a survey of 1,755 working parents nationwide, one in 20 said they were severely impacted by concerns about after-school childcare, according to researchers at Brandeis University and Catalyst, a New York-based non-profit research firm.
There are about 53 million parents in today's workforce, Labor Department figures show.
The level of stress they feel at work can manifest itself in everything from minor workplace disruptions to lower job satisfaction, and can be "very toxic to employee attitudes, work performance, and well-being," said Karen Gareis, a social psychologist who led the study.
The study found parents who work longer hours, have greater responsibility for childcare at home, or whose children spend more unsupervised time risk the highest stress levels.
Since older children were more likely to spend unsupervised time after school, parents tended to worry more about them and less about children in kindergarten though grade 5, the study found. Though working mothers were slightly more prone to worry about their children, workplace stress generally cuts across gender, racial, and ethnic lines, the study found.
Stress over after-school care is an "equal-opportunity issue," Ilene Lang, the president of Catalyst, said in a statement.
By contrast, parents with low stress levels were those who felt they had more control over their work schedules, or have a partner whose work schedule allowed them to be home after school, the study found.

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